Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 4 gluten free

So, this is taking more getting used to than I expected. Maybe I was naive in thinking that this would be easy, but so far it's not really that easy. Today is day 4 of GF for Boo. Day 1 was amazing, she was happy like I've never seen, the depression, anxiety and irritability seemed to lift the first day and although yesterday was a little rough for her I attribute that to lack of sleep the night before. She has energy, she walks around singing and gets the giggles something fierce. She complained about her tummy yesterday but that was the only time in the 3 GF days. YAY!
If these are the immediate results I am so excited to see what she's like in a couple months :) :) :)
There isn't a change in the neuropathy or ataxia yet, but don't expect to see that for a few months (from what i've read)

I just want my baby girl to be happy, and I think I'm seeing a glimpse of how happy she can be and it just warms my heart.

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